The color of food is an integral part of our culture and enjoyment of life. Who would deny the mouth-watering appeal of a deep-pink strawberry ice on a hot summer day or a golden Thanksgiving turkey garnished with fresh green parsley?
Even early civilizations such as the Romans recognized that people "eat with their eyes" as well as their palates. Saffron and other spices were often used to provide a rich yellow color to various foods. Butter has been colored yellow as far back as the 1300's.Color and the appeal of various foods is also closely related. Just the sight of food fires neurons in the hypothalamus. Subjects presented food to eat in the dark reported a critically missing element for enjoying any cuisine: the appearance of food. For the sighted, the eyes are the first place that must be convinced before a food is even tried
Wondering what is the color for this month, its Delectable Combination . Meaning cook anything with a color combination of the food in your mind. The color combination should appeal to the recipients eyes. As I mentioned earlier, its the nose that tastes the food first with the smell followed by the Eyes with the sight of food and only then comes the tongue which actually tastes the food.
Before I go ahead and announce the color for this month, a special mention to the brainchild behind this colorful event, its Harini of Sunshinemom
It can be any color combination, the only condition is that it should be delectable, the very first sight of the food should be able to attract people to eat it.
Some Delectable Combinations as examples
- Creamy White Curd Rice with Red Potato Fry
- Multi Colored Veggie Briyani with White Raitha
- Brown Tamarind Rice with Off white coconut thoivayal
the list will go on endlessly.. so get your creative neurons on action and cook something with delectable combinations.
Rules for the Event:
1.Raw vegetables are not allowed except if used as such in salads or prepared food!
2.Multiple entries are welcome as long as they are posted between 01.06.09 and 30.06.09.
3.No Linking back to the previous posts
4.The food item should be vegetarian which means no eggs, the post should be a vegetarian post. 5.If your food is cooked from any other blog or site please link your post with the name of the blog/site rather than 'here'. Also link your post to this post announcing the event and also to SunshineMom's Event Announcement .
6.The use of logo is optional,though recommended.
7. Email me at akamalika@gmail.com- your email id alongwith these details
subject line - FIC Delectable Combinations,
Your name, The name of your blog and its link, Your Favourite Colour
The name of the dish and the link and 300 px width/height picture if it cannot be picked up from your blog.
If you do not have a blog, just email the recipe and a picture.-----
Nice theme, will try to participate
Wow,love your theme Kamalika.Will surely try to send for this.
Hi Kamalika, I was wondering when I didn't hear from you:). Does this mean two food items which come as a pair but different colours? I think I have something already in my draft! Please update the rules as per the mail I am sending. I need a link to my site here as FIC was started by me, and also a link in all the entries.
I love tha tit is not any particular colour. Just posted a recipe yesterday cna i send that?
Just read posted betwee, 1st of june so sure my entry is on the way.
I wanted to send you my entry but the mail address is not written in your post.
Just send you the mail :-)
Nice theme Kamalika...wonderful idea!
I just sent my entry..Eagerly looking forward to the roundup
Thanx kamalika for accepting my entry..Looking forward to the roundup
good event... too bad i missed it almost.. will try to send something within the deadline!!
Hi Kamalika, i have 3 entries for ur event u r hosting, do check it pls:)..happy hosting!
I just sent you my entry.....
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