Rules for giveaway
For winning the giveaway the participants after sending the entry to me have to leave the link of the entry in Pari's event announcement page and have to clearly inform Pari how they are eligible for it as
1. They need to follow her blog publicly
2. They have to be a fan on the face book page in her blog.The winner has to provide Pari with the address at cookingoodfood@gmail.com so that she can make arrangements for getting the giveaway delivered.
Rules of The Event
1. Any number of fresh entries can be sent but only 2 enties from the archive will be accepted. Archived entries to be reposted, else will not be accepted.
2. Only vegetarian dishes
3. Use of logo is mandatory as it helps spread the word.
4. The entry should be linked back to my event announcement page and Pari's 'Only'- Curries giveaway page.
5. The winner of the book from Tarla Dalal will be chosen by Pari by random. org at the end of the event from the links left in her event announcement page.
6. Format of entry
Blog's name
URL of the Receipe
Receipe name
Linkpic resized to 300pixel
7. I will post the round up within 7 days of event completion unless there's an emergency.
8. I can not win the giveaway as I'm guest hosting it.
9. Non bloggers can also participate, in that case they can send entries to me and I can post them on their behalf
10. Send in your entries to akamalika@gmail.com
Happy Blogging ladies, looking forward to your entries.
Good luck dear.
Pls provide a link to my event announcement page and also pls explain whether eggs are allowed or not as there are a lot of eggetarians.
Hi, sent in an entry.
Found your blog via another blog,nice event,will send my entries,linked it to my event list(in my new blog),pl have a look
November Events
nice event. 1st time here and following you.
Just sent my entry.
Hosting an event which I am calling Back to our Roots Also hosting for Nov’11 Veggie Food for the Month_Raw Banana. Please do send me your entries.
just now mailed my first entry...plz check it out..thank you!!
First time here,following you dear.Please do drop at my space time permits.
Nice event! I'm linked my post to yours.
I am Happy very to join join your site..I will send my entry soon...:)
Interesting site. Love to submit my curry entries
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